Spotlight Review: SEVEN SUMMER WEEKENDS by Jane L. Rosen

From the publisher:

A woman inherits a beach house, along with a series of weekend guests, while butting heads with the irritable (and irritatingly handsome) man next door, in this sparkling new escape from Jane L. Rosen.

When a Zoom disaster upends Addison Irwin’s decade-long career at a posh Manhattan advertising agency, things look bleak for the thirty-something mid-western transplant. But an unexpected inheritance from an aunt she barely remembers—a property on Fire Island, complete with guest house and artist’s studio—changes everything.
While debating whether to stay or sell, Addison learns that she’s also inherited her aunt’s list of eclectic guests, tying her to the island for seven summer weekends. Eager to convince Addison to keep the house rather than let a new buyer build a monstrosity in its place, the neighbors welcome her to their laid-back community. Well, all except the moody guy next door, who seems intent on glowering his way through life.
Steadfast in her path since college, Addison is determined not to let this detour on Fire Island throw her off track. But soon, between the revolving door of weekend visitors and the up-and-down relationship with her neighbor (and his adorable dog), she finds herself in unfamiliar territory. Should she try to pick up where she left off—or embrace entirely new possibilities?

I have read and loved every one of Rosen’s books and I am happy to say that this one is stellar. I wish I had some long-lost relative to leave me a beach house, but it’s Airbnb for me if I want that beachy life. But for Addison, inheriting her aunt’s house is a timely and welcome surprise.

After a misdirected comment about her boss goes viral, Addison gets fired instead of the promotion she was seeking. She had spent years with the advertising company, and while it wasn’t the most fulfilling job, it was one she excelled at and in which she poured all her energy and passion. Feeling somewhat lost, her aunt’s final gift is just what she needs. The house is on Fire Island in New York, and while she hadn’t seen her aunt since the Big Terrible Thing happened when she was a young child, she does remember her. But she really gets to know her deceased aunt when she moves to the island for the summer. The island realtor lets her know that the guest house on the property is rented out for seven weekends over the summer, and the income is generally enough to cover all the expenses for the year. Her aunt was universally beloved, and everyone, including the regular summer renters, had a story for her. Even the grumpy guy next door.

That guy is Ben, one of the main characters in Rosen’s previous book, On Fire Island (a truly excellent read, but this book stands alone beautifully.) Ben is a young widower and a bestselling author, and Addison doesn’t know anything about that – but she learns. Ben has been grieving for a few years now but is finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. He and Addison meet and flirt on the ferry over to Fire Island, and as he lives next door to her, they keep bumping into one another, and not always in a good way.

The heart of the matter is this: is Ben too damaged for another relationship? It’s a bumpy road for Addison and Ben. Addison is also dealing with her anger at her parents for keeping her aunt from her. Staying at the beach house changes Addison’s life in many ways, and I loved seeing her growth.

The Fire Island of Rosen’s books is idyllic, but the relationships are fraught, making for a compelling read. I loved it.

6/2024 Stacy Alesi, AKA the BookBitch

SEVEN SUMMER WEEKENDS by Jane L. Rosen. Berkley (June 4, 2024). ISBN:‎ 978-0593640913. 320p.






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