The Palace of Rogues, Book 7

From the publisher:

In USA Today bestselling author Julie Anne Long’s latest installment in the Palace of Rogues series, a notorious rake meets his match in a lovely girl from the country, changing the course of both of their futures…

A London season is the chance of a lifetime for Catherine Keating. But the ton’s glitter and decadence and casual cruelty threaten to crush her hopes of finding a husband before her season even begins…until she accidentally acquires one of the most scandalous men in England as a secret chaperone.

Famously fiery Lord Dominic Kirke can hold the House of Commons—and any woman he chooses— in thrall. But when his house goes up in flames in the dead of night, he finds himself at the Grand Palace on the Thames. And there he discovers his cynical armor is no match for another guest: an innocent country girl with a crackling wit and eyes like a summer sky.

He’s maddening, elusive, hopelessly charismatic, wrong in every way—perfectly designed to break her heart. But she doesn’t know she holds his battered heart in her hands. And though it will destroy him, Dominic knows loving her means setting Catherine free for the life—and man—she deserves.

“Catherine and Dominic’s story builds wonderfully through conversations—held in corners of ballrooms, in front gardens, over group dinners—so that by the time the two take a step that Dominic fully knows is dangerous to them both, Catherine is already there. As would be expected from the vapidly inclined ton, danger indeed arrives—in the form of a scandal that the two resolve in heart-sweeping fashion. Long writes romances for romance novel lovers.” –Library Journal

I’ve really been enjoying this series loosely set around the Grand Palace on the Thames, a boardinghouse owned by two women who board guests if they pass inspection, and who are expected to abide by the somewhat strict house rules; dinner with all the guests at least four times a week, time spent after dinner as well, and so forth. The first couple of books were centered around the women who own the property, but since then guests have become the central characters, and they get their happy ending, as is the case here.

My only quibble with this book is the cover! Catherine wears several dresses that are described, and one that is at the center of the scandal, but none of the dresses are red. I hate to be picky about stuff like that but seriously, would it have ruined the cover to have her in her blue dress???

Catherine’s father is a doctor in the country, and her mother passed away years earlier. Catherine and her father are close, but he is growing older and wants to see his daughter settled. In Regency England, that means married. They don’t have a lot, but he has enough for a small dowry and to cover her living expenses in London, staying at the Grand Palace on the Thames. This is her one chance at having a season, so she hopes to make a happy match.

Lord Dominic Kirke had a bit of a kerfuffle with his mistress that ended with her practically burning down his house. While repairs are underway, he moves into the Grand Palace on the Thames as well. Kirke is well known to the whole of England as he is a fierce advocate of the poor, working to save children from horrible orphanages, sweatshops, and mines. He was born in poverty himself. One of seven children who all shared a bed, he determined early on to make his fortune, and he does, with the King recognizing his efforts and granting him the title.

Catherine is chaperoned by a woman who has more interest in gambling than keeping an eye on her protégées, but she is the only reason Catherine is even invited to a few balls. All she wants to do is meet a kind man who will be good to her, who wants a family, and if he has a bit of money and a home, so much the better. Catherine has never dealt with the ton, and her naivete is sweet, but she quickly is hurt by the vicious comments hurled her way by young women who think her too pretty and, therefore, competition.

Kirke sees what is happening and asks Catherine to dance. He has a reputation as a rogue for good reason; the housefire mistress is just one in a string of them. He hasn’t danced at a ball in over a decade, so when he does with Catherine, all eyes are upon them and her season is now made. Lots of single young men are now vying to dance with her despite her two-year-old dresses. But that infuriates the young women of the ton even more.

Since they both live in the boardinghouse, they spend a lot of time together and get to know one another. Catherine is such an innocent that Kirke doesn’t know quite how to handle her. But they quickly become each other’s confidante, and a relationship of sorts is born.

The scandal here was creative and original rather than the usual, being caught kissing or whatever. Kirke offers to marry her to save her reputation, but Catherine refuses. She loves him but doesn’t want to be his burden. On the other hand, Kirke has never planned on marrying so when Catherine leaves London for the countryside, he doesn’t intercede. But as the days go by, he realizes he misses her and finally confronts his feelings for her, and they get their happily ever after.

This is a fun series, well written with interesting characters and plotlines. My Season of Scandal is another terrific addition to this series.

5/2024 Stacy Alesi, AKA the BookBitch

MY SEASON OF SCANDAL by Julie Anne Long. Avon (April 23, 2024). ISBN: 978-0063280953. 384p.



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